Request Inspections

EGIC provides 10 years guarantee to homeowners upon testing their plumbing work nationwide, due to the trust gained between the company and the technicians using our products.

Once, the plumbing system is completely installed, we test and inspect the whole system to avoid any leaks at the joints. During the test plumber or homeowner should check the following points:

  • Concealed work should remain uncovered until the required test is made and approved
  • The bathtub shouldn’t be installed
  • The system should be properly restrained at all bends and welded away from crossover
  • Braided Flexi Hoses should be installed between the hot and cold lines
  • Outdoor pipes and fittings should be coated with black UV-resistant material
  • The brand sign should be clear.
  • Smart home products should be heated during the welding process.
  • Expansion joints should be used on each floor for the Smart Home drainage system.
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