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Corporate Social Responsibility

Egyptian Foundation for Sanitary Engineering (EPF)

EGIC established the Egyptian Foundation for Sanitary Engineering (EPF) for the sake of supporting plumbers’ community. EPF is a non-profit organization that provides its members with essential services as we understand that they usually face a variety of risks during their work every day in installing and maintaining numerous piping systems. EPF medical insurance covers full and partial costs of medicine, physicians, medical analysis and x-rays. Subscribers can easily claim compensation in case they have physical harm or in need for medical treatment. In addition, the Foundation contributes with the retired plumbers through Takaful Box that beneficiaries are eligible to receive their monthly pension at age 60. The disabled plumbers are also compensated through social care programs and small projects. Moreover, the families of the deceased members get total of L.E 1000 for funeral expenses plus L.E 50000 in case plumber anciently died or L.E 25000 in normal cases. Today, the Foundation serves more than 4000 members with medical and social insurance, educational services, loans, trips, welding machines and more.
Corporate Social Responsibility
EPT social and economic development programs include;
  • Financial compensations: loans free of interest (School loan, marriage loan, Ramadan bags, etc.)
  • Takaful Box: monthly pension for retired or disabled professionals, financial aid for retired plumbers and the families of the deceased members
  • Social care programs: Funding small projects for women-breadwinners in agriculture, poultry farming, handicraft, sewing, and trading projects
  • Health care cards and medical treatment: full and partial coverage on medicine, physicians, medical analysis and x-rays
  • Entertainment trips: summer trips and Umrah

Nahdet Beni Suef Foundation

In 2009, EGIC established Nahdet Beni Suef Foundation (NBNS) as a non-profit organization in Beni Suef, authorized by the ministry to social solidarity. NBNS aim is to develop rural small villages to deliver healthy community, free of poverty and able to sustain by itself. The foundation mainly focuses on fighting poverty, ignorance and diseases by providing financial and social contributions such as;
  • Affording loans free of interest to low-income individuals/groups
  • Funding small projects to raise the standard level of living
  • Promoting secured social networks
  • Empowering economical activities for women
  • Developing the youth and fresh graduates personal skills and give them the opportunity to find a new job vacancy
Corporate Social Responsibility
NBNS Departments
  • Financial Aids As we understand that the small traders play an important role in developing communities, we provide unemployed and low-income individuals/groups with financial loans free of interest to improve their standard level of living. In June 2017, the total budget of this department has reached 9,250,000 to serve more than 18245 beneficiaries. Ultimately, the goal of microfinance department is to improve economic conditions and give impoverished people an opportunity to become self-sufficient and to create new job vacancies.
  • Medical Care Our medical care department share the government responsibly in developing hospitals and provide it with the latest medical devices, operations rooms, lab equipment, medical units and tools for emergency cases, monitoring management systems and more.
  • Training and Human Development We continuously strive to solve unemployment problem by training and educating people to effectively participate and manipulate in local communities. We empower individuals’ personal skills and create new job vacancies throughout small projects such as;
* Dairy processing * Handcrafting, textile and sewing * Agricultural projects and poultry farming
  • Engineering Department
NBNS contributes in developing many small villages and rural communities in Egypt by designing and building new houses. Also, we provide old houses with proper drainage solutions and electricity stations to sustain in clean healthy environment.

Hand in Hand

EGIC Initiative to Support Handicaps by giving them the Aid to Start a New Life, In September 2020, EGIC established the Hand in Hand Foundation to manufacture Artificial Limbs by using 3D printers to support people who have some sort of physical disability to perform their essential daily tasks comfortably. 

Today, we served over 800 cases with Artificial Limbs and psychological treatment to improve their mobility and boost their Self-confidence 

  • Artificial Limbs 
  • Psychological treatment of physical disabilities 

We believe in the equality of all human beings and the importance of respecting individuals’ differences

Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility